Training Grants
The Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities collaborates with universities across Virginia to offer special educator preparation programs in a consortium format allowing students to exchange ideas with scholars and instructors throughout the Commonwealth. Distance education options and grant funding are available through the consortiums which offer accessibility to students throughout the state maximizing the number of individuals who can receive training.
EndorsementGeneral Curriculum

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) supports the Traineeships for Education of Special Education Personnel (Special Education: General Curriculum K-12 Endorsement Area Program). The purpose of this grant is to address the needs of provisionally licensed special education teachers in Virginia. The endorsement grant expands Mason’s existing Cohort Outreach Program. This program uniquely provides a special education - general curriculum teacher preparation program for employed teachers by providing convenience and a better link between academia and school realities. The cohort model is offered to public school divisions in Virginia.
DCOPGeneral Curriculum

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) supports the Dynamic Coaching Outreach Program in Special Education: General Curriculum (DCOP). The DCOP project uses a variety of technology-based enhancements to facilitate a more dynamic coaching and feedback cycle during the teaching internship experience. The teaching internship is required for provisionally licensed teachers enrolled in our general curriculum (K-12) licensure program at George Mason University. These provisionally licensed teachers complete the internship while on-the-job in their school.

The Virginia Consortium for Teacher Preparation in Severe Disabilities is comprised of five state approved teacher preparation programs in severe disabilities (SD), including George Mason University, Norfolk State University, Radford University, University of Virginia, and Virginia Commonwealth University.
VI Consortium

Virginia Consortium for Teacher Preparation in Vision Impairment is the only academic program for preparing teachers of students with visual impairments in Virginia and is comprised of five universities: George Mason University, James Madison University, Norfolk State University, Old Dominion University, and Radford University.