Journals & Newsletters
Faculty and staff at the Hellen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities (KIHd) are actively engaged in disseminating research and evidence-based practice to teachers, educators, administrators, and researchers. In addition, monthly newsletters are written to inform others of our great work at KIHd! The resources below highlight faculty efforts and involvement in key editorial roles at major journals in the field.

The Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education
JIPE peer-reviewed journal focuses on research within inclusive postsecondary education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities aiming to fill the dissemination gap for publishing research within this field.

The Teacher Educators’ Journal
The Teacher Educators’ Journal is published by the Association of Teacher Educators in Virginia (ATE-VA) as a service to the profession to stimulate discussion and reflection about issues related to teacher education. The manuscripts submitted for possible publication may be research/empirical manuscripts, position papers, book reviews, or conceptual essays.

Assistive Technology Outcomes & Benefits
Assistive Technology Outcomes & Benefits, ATIA’s open-access, online, annual journal of peer-reviewed papers, highlights new information on the outcomes and benefits of assistive technology for persons with disabilities.