Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) - College of Education and Human Development - George Mason University
About Us

The Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) is an interdisciplinary campus-based organization focusing on improving the lives and productivity of children and adults with disabilities. KIHd combines the resources of the university with local, state, regional, national, public, and private sector agencies and organizations to develop products, services, and programs for persons with disabilities.

Archived Journals & Newsletters Items

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Learning Disabilities Research & Practice

LDRP publishes articles addressing the nature and characteristics of children and adults with learning disabilities, program development, assessment practices, and instruction. In so doing, LDRP provides valuable information to professionals involved in a variety of different disciplines including special education, school psychology, counseling, reading, and medicine.


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The Kellar

The KIHd newsletter highlights resources, news items, upcoming events, and KIHd faculty, staff, and students’ research, publications, and presentations.
We look to our readers to let us know about the things you, and others, do to support individuals with disAbilities!
