Research and Publications

Recent Publications
- Duke, J.M., Francis, G.L. & Fujita, M. (2022). Experiences of parents of young adults with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders. Inclusion.
- Fujita, M., Duke, J.M., & Francis, G.L. (2022). I’m not prepared:’ Experiences of professionals working with students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders, Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals.
- Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., & Fujita, M. (2021). Experiences of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders: Informing college transition and retention. Psychology in the Schools.
- Francis, G.L., Duke, J.M., Fujita, M. & Raines, A. (2020). Goal setting to support mental wellness among adolescents with disabilities and co-occurring mental health needs. TEACHING Exceptional Children.
- Francis, G. L., Duke, J.M., & Siko, L. (2020). Be Ready, Be Well: A conceptual framework for supporting well-being among college students with disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 33(2), 129-141.
- Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., Fujita, M., & Sutton, J. C. (2019). “It’s a constant fight:” Experiences of college students with disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 32(3), 247-261.
- Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., Kliethermes, A. J., Demetro, K., & Graff, H. (2018). Apps to support a successful transition to college for students with ASD. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 51(2), 111-124.
- Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., Brigham, F. J., & Demetro, K. (2018). Student perceptions of college-readiness, college services and supports, and family involvement in college: An exploratory study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 3573-3585.
- Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., & Chiu, C. (2017). The college road trip: Supporting college success for students with autism. Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities Online Journal, 4, 20-35. Retrieved from
Recent Conference Presentation

BRBW presentation at the CEC Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities Conference.
- Duke, J.M., Van Hook, B., Francis, G.L., Majetich, E., & Raines, A. (2023, October). Lessons Learned: Pilot Study Findings of “Be Ready, Be Well” Mental Wellness Program for Young Adults and Their Families. Presentation at the 2023 College Inclusion Summit, Nashville, TN. [Invited conference presentation]. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19057.45924.
- Duke, J.M. (2023, October). Lessons Learned: Pilot Study Findings of “Be Ready, Be Well” Mental Wellness Program for Young Adults and Their Families. Presentation at the 2023 College Inclusion Summit, Nashville, TN. [Invited conference presentation].
- Duke, J.M., Francis, G.L., & Majetich, E. (2023, January 19). Implementation and Evaluation of the Be Ready, Be Well Curriculum. Presentation at the 2023 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
- Duke, J.M. (2022, October). Navigating the Transition to College: The Be Ready, Be Well Mental Wellness Program. Presentation at the 2022 College Inclusion Summit, Nashville, TN. [Invited conference presentation].
- Duke, J.M., Francis, G.L., & Strimel, M. (2022, January 27). Parents and Young Adults with Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders as Experts: Iteratively Creating the Be Ready, Be Well Program. Presentation at the 2022 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
- Duke, J.M., Francis, G.L., & Strimel, M. (2022, January 27). Lessons Learned: Pilot Testing the Be Ready, Be Well Curriculum. Presentation at the 2022 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
- Raines, A., Francis, G.L., Duke, J.M., & Fujita, M. (2022, January 27). Goal Setting to Support Mental Wellness Among Adolescents with Disabilities and Co-Occurring Mental Health Needs. Presentation at the 2022 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
- Duke, J.M., Raines, A. R. & Strimel, M. (2021, October 28). Learning from our students: Experiences and recommendations of college students with Autism and co-occurring mental health needs. Presentation at the 2021 annual College Autism Summit. Virtual.
- Fujita, M., Francis, G. L., & Duke, J.M. (2021, March 11). Barriers Among Students with Disabilities and Co-Occurring Mental Health Needs: Perspectives of High School and College Professionals. Presentation at the 2021 annual meeting of CEC. Virtual.
- Duke, J.M. & Raines, A. R. (2021, March 13). Mental Wellness Strategies to Support Adolescents with Disabilities with Co-Occurring Mental Health Needs. Presentation at the 2021 annual meeting of CEC. Virtual.
- Duke, J.M., Francis, G. L., Fujita, M., & Raines, A. R (2020, December 10). Mental Wellness Strategies to Support Adolescents with Disabilities with Co-Occurring Mental Health Needs. Presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of TASH. Virtual.
- Duke, J.M., Francis, G. L., & Raines, A. (2020, October 27-20). Taking a deep breath: Physical and emotional regulation for parents. College Autism Summit. Virtual.
- Fujita, M., Duke, J.M., & Francis, G. L. (2020, October 27-20). “I’m not prepared:” Experiences of professionals working with adolescents with Autism and co-occurring mental health disorders. College Autism Summit. Virtual.
- Duke, J.M., & Francis, G. (2020, January). Waiting for that call: Experiences of family members of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health needs. Presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
- Duke, J.M., & Francis, G. L. (2020, January 22-24). Experiences of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders: Impact of needs and coping strategies [Conference session]. DADD 21st International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL, United States.
- Francis, G. L. & Duke, J.M. (2019, December 5-7). Experiences of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental Health Diagnoses [Conference session]. TASH Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.
- Duke, J.M. (2019, October). What’s in your toolbox? Mental Health Strategies and Support for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Presentation at the 2019 College Inclusion Summit, Nashville, TN. [Invited conference presentation].
- Francis, G. L. & Duke, J.M. (2019, June). Experiences of College Students with Disabilities: A Mixed-Methods Study. Presented at the 143rd American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Twin Cities, MN. [Invited conference presentation].
- Fujita, M., Francis, G. L., & Duke, J.M. (2019, March). The intersection of mental health and disability: Accounts from college students. Presented at the 2019 University of Michigan Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. [Invited conference presentation].
- Duke, J.M., & Francis, G. (2018, November). An examination of the mental health needs of college students with autism spectrum disorder. Presentation at the 2018 College Inclusion Summit, Burlington, VT. [Invited conference presentation].
- Francis, G. & Duke, J.M. (2018, January). Experiences of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders: Impact of needs and coping strategies. Presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. [Invited conference session].