Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) - College of Education and Human Development - George Mason University
About Us

The Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) is an interdisciplinary campus-based organization focusing on improving the lives and productivity of children and adults with disabilities. KIHd combines the resources of the university with local, state, regional, national, public, and private sector agencies and organizations to develop products, services, and programs for persons with disabilities.

Be Ready, Be Well (BRBW) flower image logo

Recent Publications

  • Duke, J.M., Francis, G.L. & Fujita, M. (2022). Experiences of parents of young adults with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders. Inclusion.
  • Fujita, M., Duke, J.M., & Francis, G.L. (2022). I’m not prepared:’ Experiences of professionals working with students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders, Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals.
  • Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., & Fujita, M. (2021). Experiences of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders: Informing college transition and retention. Psychology in the Schools.
  • Francis, G.L., Duke, J.M., Fujita, M. & Raines, A. (2020). Goal setting to support mental wellness among adolescents with disabilities and co-occurring mental health needs. TEACHING Exceptional Children.
  • Francis, G. L., Duke, J.M., & Siko, L. (2020). Be Ready, Be Well: A conceptual framework for supporting well-being among college students with disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 33(2), 129-141.
  • Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., Fujita, M., & Sutton, J. C. (2019). “It’s a constant fight:” Experiences of college students with disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 32(3), 247-261.
  • Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., Kliethermes, A. J., Demetro, K., & Graff, H. (2018). Apps to support a successful transition to college for students with ASD. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 51(2), 111-124.
  • Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., Brigham, F. J., & Demetro, K. (2018). Student perceptions of college-readiness, college services and supports, and family involvement in college: An exploratory study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 3573-3585.
  • Francis, G. L., Duke, J. M., & Chiu, C. (2017). The college road trip: Supporting college success for students with autism. Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities Online Journal, 4, 20-35. Retrieved from

Recent Conference Presentation

BRBW presentation at the CEC Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities Conference

BRBW presentation at the CEC Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities Conference.


  • Duke, J.M., Van Hook, B., Francis, G.L., Majetich, E., & Raines, A. (2023, October). Lessons Learned: Pilot Study Findings of “Be Ready, Be Well” Mental Wellness Program for Young Adults and Their Families. Presentation at the 2023 College Inclusion Summit, Nashville, TN. [Invited conference presentation]. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19057.45924.
  • Duke, J.M. (2023, October). Lessons Learned: Pilot Study Findings of “Be Ready, Be Well” Mental Wellness Program for Young Adults and Their Families. Presentation at the 2023 College Inclusion Summit, Nashville, TN. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Duke, J.M., Francis, G.L., & Majetich, E. (2023, January 19). Implementation and Evaluation of the Be Ready, Be Well Curriculum. Presentation at the 2023 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Duke, J.M. (2022, October). Navigating the Transition to College: The Be Ready, Be Well Mental Wellness Program. Presentation at the 2022 College Inclusion Summit, Nashville, TN. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Duke, J.M., Francis, G.L., & Strimel, M. (2022, January 27). Parents and Young Adults with Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders as Experts: Iteratively Creating the Be Ready, Be Well Program. Presentation at the 2022 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Duke, J.M., Francis, G.L., & Strimel, M. (2022, January 27). Lessons Learned: Pilot Testing the Be Ready, Be Well Curriculum. Presentation at the 2022 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Raines, A., Francis, G.L., Duke, J.M., & Fujita, M. (2022, January 27). Goal Setting to Support Mental Wellness Among Adolescents with Disabilities and Co-Occurring Mental Health Needs. Presentation at the 2022 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Duke, J.M., Raines, A. R. & Strimel, M. (2021, October 28). Learning from our students: Experiences and recommendations of college students with Autism and co-occurring mental health needs. Presentation at the 2021 annual College Autism Summit. Virtual.
  • Fujita, M., Francis, G. L., & Duke, J.M. (2021, March 11). Barriers Among Students with Disabilities and Co-Occurring Mental Health Needs: Perspectives of High School and College Professionals. Presentation at the 2021 annual meeting of CEC. Virtual.
  • Duke, J.M. & Raines, A. R. (2021, March 13). Mental Wellness Strategies to Support Adolescents with Disabilities with Co-Occurring Mental Health Needs. Presentation at the 2021 annual meeting of CEC. Virtual.
  • Duke, J.M., Francis, G. L., Fujita, M., & Raines, A. R (2020, December 10). Mental Wellness Strategies to Support Adolescents with Disabilities with Co-Occurring Mental Health Needs. Presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of TASH. Virtual.
  • Duke, J.M., Francis, G. L., & Raines, A. (2020, October 27-20). Taking a deep breath: Physical and emotional regulation for parents. College Autism Summit. Virtual.
  • Fujita, M., Duke, J.M., & Francis, G. L. (2020, October 27-20). “I’m not prepared:” Experiences of professionals working with adolescents with Autism and co-occurring mental health disorders. College Autism Summit. Virtual.
  • Duke, J.M., & Francis, G. (2020, January). Waiting for that call: Experiences of family members of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health needs. Presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Duke, J.M., & Francis, G. L. (2020, January 22-24). Experiences of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders: Impact of needs and coping strategies [Conference session]. DADD 21st International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL, United States.
  • Francis, G. L. & Duke, J.M. (2019, December 5-7). Experiences of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental Health Diagnoses [Conference session]. TASH Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.
  • Duke, J.M. (2019, October). What’s in your toolbox? Mental Health Strategies and Support for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Presentation at the 2019 College Inclusion Summit, Nashville, TN. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Francis, G. L. & Duke, J.M. (2019, June). Experiences of College Students with Disabilities: A Mixed-Methods Study. Presented at the 143rd American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Twin Cities, MN. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Fujita, M., Francis, G. L., & Duke, J.M. (2019, March). The intersection of mental health and disability: Accounts from college students. Presented at the 2019 University of Michigan Depression on College Campuses Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Duke, J.M., & Francis, G. (2018, November). An examination of the mental health needs of college students with autism spectrum disorder. Presentation at the 2018 College Inclusion Summit, Burlington, VT. [Invited conference presentation].
  • Francis, G. & Duke, J.M. (2018, January). Experiences of college students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders: Impact of needs and coping strategies. Presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children: Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. [Invited conference session].