Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) - College of Education and Human Development - George Mason University
About Us

The Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) is an interdisciplinary campus-based organization focusing on improving the lives and productivity of children and adults with disabilities. KIHd combines the resources of the university with local, state, regional, national, public, and private sector agencies and organizations to develop products, services, and programs for persons with disabilities.

  • Thank you SO much for spending part of your week with us! We are so lucky to have experienced Be Ready, Be Well with our classroom. The program was so beneficial for our students, and they were so locked in the entire time!! Your exceptional teaching skills, knowledge, and care was so evident in the way that you engaged with our students, and the way that you kept them engaged throughout. - Program Services Specialist

  • “They bought in so quickly…they liked all of you, and they…all liked what we were talking about..” - Special Educator

  • BRBW “...was very informative and helpful for my concerns” -Parent

  • “Speaking with my family today has encouraged us to communicate more often through meeting or meals;” -Parent

  • “Mom and Dad understand us a little more when things happen with what situations happen. But they understand better now.” -Young Adult

  • “This has been an incredible opportunity to come together, share, and learn… the kids [also] enjoyed meeting others with similar interests /disabilities” -Parent

  • “Feels positive and trying my best for the future of life” -Young Adult

  • “To me it was so much of just having time with other families going through the same kind of thing and being able to bounce ideas off and share with people, and the comfort of knowing that they were being like another resource for [young adult] self advocacy and like how to be more independent. And you know too, so that we can kinda have hope for independent lives for them [young adults].” -Parent