Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) - College of Education and Human Development - George Mason University
About Us

The Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) is an interdisciplinary campus-based organization focusing on improving the lives and productivity of children and adults with disabilities. KIHd combines the resources of the university with local, state, regional, national, public, and private sector agencies and organizations to develop products, services, and programs for persons with disabilities.

Service Obligation Commitment

After I complete the doctoral program, do I have an obligation to continue in education and use the knowledge and skills I have acquired through this doctorate?

Yes. For every year of financial support, ASPIRE scholars are obligated to two years of service in an IHE position (usually, this will be as an assistant professor). There is a federal government Pre-Scholarship Agreement that must signed and agreed to before acceptance as an ASPIRE recipient.

ASPIRE applicants should be within career paths for which this doctorate and a position in higher education is a logical "next step." As such, the corresponding service obligation commitment is in direct alignment with what that desired career path.

ASPIRE applicants are well aware of the service obligation commitment, per information on this web site, prior to applying for ASPIRE. This service obligation commitment is expected.

Anyone who reviews the service obligation commitment and realizes it is not a match should not apply for ASPIRE. However, if a special education doctoral degree is a match for you, do consider applying for this PhD:

The following may be more detail than desired at this point! But this is the Pre-Scholarship Agreement ASPIRE scholars sign prior to receiving ASPIRE support.