Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) - College of Education and Human Development - George Mason University
About Us

The Kellar Institute for Human DisAbilities (KIHd) is an interdisciplinary campus-based organization focusing on improving the lives and productivity of children and adults with disabilities. KIHd combines the resources of the university with local, state, regional, national, public, and private sector agencies and organizations to develop products, services, and programs for persons with disabilities.

We are currently no longer accepting proposals.

Due to a series of on-going contractual issues with the Mason Inn, the uncertainty surrounding the Sequestration, and our need/desire to support the Division on Career Development and Transition's (DCDT) conference in Williamsburg (occurring November 14-15), George Mason University has decided against hosting the 2013 State of the Art Conference on Postsecondary Education and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. We are disappointed, but are already looking ahead to plan the 2014 conference, to be held next November.

In the meantime, we encourage you to submit your presentation proposals to the DADD Conference and the AUCD Conference

Thank you all for your continued support of the State of the Art Conference and the field as a whole. We look forward to seeing you in November of 2014!